Alex Harville

Looking for land to lease to expand my current beef, lamb, goat, and hay operation.

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Location: Middle, Cannon, Davidson (Nashville), DeKalb, Overton, Putnam (Cookeville), Rutherford (Murfreesboro), Smith, Sumner (Hendersonville), Trousdale, Williamson (Franklin/Brentwood), Wilson

Looking for the following:

Type of opportunity:

Lease (1 to 5 Years), Lease (5+ Years). More info: Looking for short or long term leases on land for livestock and hay leases

Equipment & infrastructure:

Fencing, Well / Pond / Other water source. More info: Water and fence is preferred, but as long as property is vehicle accessible I can provide water and temporary electric fencing.

Current production on farm:

Cattle (Dairy/Beef), Hay or pasture, Sheep/Goat (Dairy/Meat). More info: Depending on property type beef cattle, sheep and goats will be the only livestock on the lease. If land is adequate for hay then that will be the production on the property.

Current farming practices:

Conventional, None, the property is not being farmed. More info: Current farming practices are not critical but a current beef cattle, sheep, goat or current hay operation is beneficial.

Qualifications and goals:

Previous farming experience:

Employee, Manager

Number of years experience:


Production goals:

Cattle (Dairy/Beef), Hay or pasture, Sheep/Goat (Dairy/Meat). More info: Looking to produce beef, lamb, and goat for the general public.

Personal experience and production goals summary:

I've been farming my whole life. I am a 4th generation young farmer looking to expand my family's current operation.