Looking for the following:
Type of opportunity:
Sale (Standard), Sale (Owner Financed), Lease (5+ Years), Lease with Option to Buy, Internship / Mentorship, Incubator / Mentored Lease, Business Partnership, Employment, Employment with Transfer.
More info: I am a certified permaculture designer interested in sustainable agriculture, creating ecosystems, intensive grazing, silvipasture, coppicing, fruit trees. I have skills in woodworking, construction, some mechanic skills, vegetable and fruit growing, animal husbandry, sawmill operating, and agroforestry. My family has some acreage in Readyville, but there is only one soil site (for my parents' home) and limited pasture land. I am seeking/open to two types of land. Acreage to farm and/or a place to live or build a small house. Open to discuss leasing, mentorship, employment, or purchasing.
Current farming practices:
Ecological production but not certified.
More info: I practice sustainable agriculture, permaculture, use organic practices. My goal is to create thriving and abundant ecosystems that produce marketable products.
Qualifications and goals:
Previous farming experience:
Employee, Manager
Number of years experience:
Production goals:
Cattle (Dairy/Beef), Field crops, Hogs, Orchard, Poultry (Broiler/Layer), Sheep/Goat (Dairy/Meat), Vegetable production, Woodlot or forest products.
More info: I would like to create a multi-animal silvipasture system, with beef cattle as a primary cornerstone, that produces meat, fruits, nuts, woodland products (crafts, firewood, lumber), vegetables, medicines, etc.
Personal experience and production goals summary:
I have been an employee at or managed various organic vegetable and flower farms for 12 years, as well as working as a landscaper, Sawyer, and woodworker. I would like to create a multi-animal silvipasture system, with beef cattle as a primary cornerstone, that produces meat, fruits, nuts, woodland products (crafts, firewood, lumber), vegetables, medicines, etc.