Kenneth Hogge

Looking to grow local.

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Location: Middle, Davidson (Nashville), Dickson, Maury (Columbia), Rutherford (Murfreesboro), Sumner (Hendersonville), Williamson (Franklin/Brentwood)

Looking for the following:

Type of opportunity:

Sale (Standard), Sale (Owner Financed), Lease (1 to 5 Years), Lease (5+ Years), Lease with Option to Buy, Internship / Mentorship, Business Partnership, Employment with Transfer. More info: Looking for land to raise bees, laying and broiler chickens, pigs and potentially cows.

Equipment & infrastructure:

More info: All equipment, live stock and needed infrastructure will be provided by farmer if necessary.

Qualifications and goals:

Previous farming experience:

Volunteer, Employee

Other qualifications:

More info: Army Veteran, Bachelors in management with studies in accounting. Worked family farm until closed.

Production goals:

Cattle (Dairy/Beef), Hogs, Poultry (Broiler/Layer). More info: Goals to raise bees for honey and wax, broiler chickens, pigs and cattle for meat and laying chickens for eggs. Quantities and profits all dependent on numbers of available acres.

Personal experience and production goals summary:

Past family farm experience. Past personal homestead experience.